


【Learning Japanese/English Translation】Spitz-Sora mo toberu hazu(I could surely fly in the sky)

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"Sora mo toberu hazu" by Spitz is a poignant Japanese song. Its lyrics express a yearning for freedom and the transformative power of love, suggesting that with love, one can overcome any obstacle and even 'fly in the sky'.




Song Commentary 

Spitz's "Sora mo toberu hazu" - A Soaring Tale of Music and Passion

In the pantheon of Japanese pop music, few songs have captured the hearts and imaginations of listeners quite like Spitz's "Sora mo toberu hazu" (Sora mo Toberu Hazu), which translates to "I Should Be Able to Fly in the Sky." This iconic track, released as their 8th single on April 25, 1994, not only solidified Spitz's place in the music industry but also became a timeless anthem of hope and freedom.

The Making of a Classic
The journey of "Sora mo toberu hazu" began with the band's desire to create a song that encapsulated the essence of youth and the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. The lead vocalist and songwriter, Masamune Kusano, drew inspiration from his own experiences and the shared dreams of his generation. The result was a melody that soared as high as its title suggested, paired with lyrics that spoke to the soul.

Behind the Scenes
The recording process of "Sora mo toberu hazu" was a testament to Spitz's dedication to their craft. The band members, including guitarist Tetsuya Miwa, bassist Akihiro Tamura, and drummer Tatsuo Sakiyama, spent countless hours in the studio, perfecting each chord and beat. The production team, led by the renowned producer Tetsuo Ishikawa, provided the technical expertise that allowed the song's intricate layers and harmonies to shine.

Trivia and Anecdotes
One of the lesser-known facts about "Sora mo toberu hazu" is the unique way in which the band decided on the final arrangement. It is said that they experimented with multiple versions, each with its own distinct flavor, before settling on the one that resonated most. Another interesting tidbit is that the song's iconic guitar riff was a serendipitous creation, born out of a spontaneous jam session during a late-night recording.

Legacy and Influence
"Sora mo toberu hazu" has left an indelible mark on the landscape of Japanese music. It has been covered by numerous artists, featured in films and television shows, and continues to be a staple in karaoke rooms across the country. The song's message of hope and the pursuit of dreams has transcended cultural boundaries, resonating with audiences worldwide.

Spitz's "空も飛べるはず" is more than just a song; it is a narrative of aspiration, a soundtrack to life's journey, and a reminder that the sky's the limit. As we look back on its creation, the secrets behind its production, and the stories that surround it, we are reminded of the power of music to inspire and unite.

For more insights into the world of Spitz and their music, including exclusive behind-the-scenes content and trivia, fans can explore the band's official website and delve into their rich discography. The band's dedication to their art and their fans is evident in every note they play and every word they sing, making "Sora mo toberu hazu" a song that will continue to fly high in the hearts of many for years to come.

English Translation

産まれたての太陽と 夢を渡る黄色い砂
二度と戻れない くすぐり合って転げた日
きっと想像した以上に 騒がしい未来が僕を待ってる

English translation:
I won't forget you as I walk this winding road
With the newborn sun and the yellow sand crossing dreams
The days we tumbled down laughing, never to return
Surely a noisier future than I imagined awaits me

Word: 曲がりくねった (magarikunetta)
Meaning: winding, twisting

Word: 産まれたて (umaretate)
Meaning: newborn, just born

Word: 太陽 (taiyō)
Meaning: sun

Word: 渡る (wataru)
Meaning: to cross

Word: くすぐり合って (kusuguri atte)
Meaning: tickling each other

Word: 転げた (korogeta)
Meaning: tumbled, rolled

Word: 騒がしい (sawagashii)
Meaning: noisy, loud

Word: 未来 (mirai)
Meaning: future


English translation:
Just the sound of "I love you" made me feel like I could become stronger
Embracing the modest joys so tightly they might burst

Word: 響き (hibiki)
Meaning: sound, echo

Word: 強くなれる (tsuyoku nareru)
Meaning: can become stronger

Word: 気がした (ki ga shita)
Meaning: felt like, had a feeling

Word: ささやかな (sasayaka na)
Meaning: modest, small

Word: 喜び (yorokobi)
Meaning: joy, happiness

Word: つぶれる (tsubureru)
Meaning: to be crushed, to burst

Word: 抱きしめて (dakishimete)
Meaning: embracing, holding tightly

こぼれそうな思い 汚れた手で書き上げた

English translation:
Overflowing feelings written with dirty hands
I said I wanted you to throw away that letter immediately

Word: こぼれそうな (koboresō na)
Meaning: about to overflow

Word: 思い (omoi)
Meaning: feelings, thoughts

Word: 汚れた (yogoreta)
Meaning: dirty, stained

Word: 書き上げた (kakiageta)
Meaning: wrote, completed writing

Word: 手紙 (tegami)
Meaning: letter

Word: 捨てて欲しい (sutete hoshii)
Meaning: want you to throw away

Word: 言った (itta)
Meaning: said

今せかされるように 飛ばされるように 通り過ぎてく

English translation:
Feeling a little sleepy, pried open with cold water
Now, as if being hurried, as if being blown away, I pass by

Word: 少しだけ (sukoshi dake)
Meaning: just a little

Word: 眠い (nemui)
Meaning: sleepy

Word: 冷たい (tsumetai)
Meaning: cold

Word: 水 (mizu)
Meaning: water

Word: こじあけて (kojiakete)
Meaning: pried open

Word: せかされる (sekasareru)
Meaning: being hurried, being rushed

Word: 飛ばされる (tobasareru)
Meaning: being blown away

Word: 通り過ぎて (tōrisugite)
Meaning: passing by, passing through


English translation:
Someday, I want to meet you again at this place

Word: いつか (itsuka)
Meaning: someday

Word: また (mata)
Meaning: again

Word: この場所 (kono basho)
Meaning: this place

Word: 君 (kimi)
Meaning: you

Word: めぐり会いたい (meguri aitai)
Meaning: want to meet again, want to encounter again

どんなに歩いてもたどりつけない 心の雪でぬれた頬
悪魔のふりして切り裂いた歌を 春の風に舞う花びらに変えてooh....

English translation:
No matter how far I walk, I can't reach, my cheeks wet with the snow of my heart
Transforming the song torn apart while pretending to be a devil into petals dancing in the spring wind, ooh....

Word: どんなに (donna ni)
Meaning: no matter how

Word: 歩いても (aruite mo)
Meaning: even if I walk

Word: たどりつけない (tadoritsukenai)
Meaning: can't reach, can't arrive at

Word: 心 (kokoro)
Meaning: heart

Word: 雪 (yuki)
Meaning: snow

Word: ぬれた (nureta)
Meaning: wet, soaked

Word: 頬 (hō)
Meaning: cheek

Word: 悪魔 (akuma)
Meaning: devil

Word: ふりして (furi shite)
Meaning: pretending to be

Word: 切り裂いた (kirisaita)
Meaning: torn apart, slashed

Word: 歌 (uta)
Meaning: song

Word: 春の風 (haru no kaze)
Meaning: spring wind

Word: 舞う (mau)
Meaning: to dance, to flutter

Word: 花びら (hanabira)
Meaning: petal


English translation:
I won't forget you , I walk this winding road

Surely a noisier future than I imagined awaits me

Word: 君 (kimi)
Meaning: you

Word: 忘れない (wasurenai)
Meaning: won't forget

Word: 曲がりくねった (magarikunetta)
Meaning: winding, twisting

Word: 道 (michi)
Meaning: road

Word: 行く (yuku)
Meaning: to go, to walk

Word: きっと (kitto)
Meaning: surely, definitely

Word: 想像した以上に (sōzō shita ijō ni)
Meaning: more than I imagined

Word: 騒がしい (sawagashii)
Meaning: noisy, loud

Word: 未来 (mirai)
Meaning: future

Word: 僕 (boku)
Meaning: I, me (typically used by males)

Word: 待ってる (matteru)
Meaning: waiting



English translation:
I felt like I could live both dishonestly and earnestly
Someday, I want to meet you again at this place

Word: ズルしても (zuru shite mo)
Meaning: even if I cheat

Word: 真面目にも (majime ni mo)
Meaning: even if I'm earnest

Word: 生きてゆける (ikite yukeru)
Meaning: can live, can go on living

Word: 気がした (ki ga shita)
Meaning: felt like, had a feeling

Word: いつか (itsuka)
Meaning: someday

Word: また (mata)
Meaning: again

Word: この場所 (kono basho)
Meaning: this place

Word: 君 (kimi)
Meaning: you

Word: めぐり会いたい (meguri aitai)
Meaning: want to meet again, want to encounter again